Sauna cabins

Aroma sauna
The aroma sauna with its capacity of 7 persons has a temperature of 65 ºC and 30-50% relative humidity to help relaxation and detoxification, complemented with the beneficial effects of various aroma oils.

Devil’s sauna
This type of Finnish sauna is suitable for 10 persons, where the temperature is 100 ºC along with 10-30% relative humidity. It has an invigorating effect on blood circulation while strengthening the heart and improving the immune system and metabolic processes. It is not recommended for people with blood circulation and heart problems.

Finnish rock sauna
The atmospheric Finnish rock sauna with its natural stone slabs is suitable for up to 20 persons at a time. The 85-90 ºC hot air and 10-30% relative humidity facilitate the release of toxins from the body, invigorating blood circulation and metabolic processes and strengthening the immune system.

Finnish wood sauna
The wood sauna situated in the sauna garden may be enjoyed by up to 20 persons at a time in 85-90 ºC cabin temperature and 10-30% relative humidity. It has an invigorating effect on blood circulation while strengthening the heart and improving the immune system and metabolic processes. It is not recommended for people with blood circulation and heart problems.

Herbal cabin
The temperature in the herbal cabin suitable for 8-9 persons is 70 ºC, lower than in the Finnish sauna, and the relative humidity content is 10-40%. The beneficial effects are complemented with the aromas released from various herbs which cleanse the respiratory system and help relaxation.

Ice cabin
After using the sauna facilities, in addition to the indoor and outdoor immersion pools there is also an ice cabin to facilitate the cooling of the body. This type of cooling facility is much more comfortable without the shocking effect of cold water, where the cool 15-18 ºC temperature inside the cabin makes it slower and less drastic to cool down after the heat.

Aroma steam cabin
Our aroma steam cabin for 6 persons has a positive effect on the respiratory tracts, skin and bloodstream. The 100% relative humidity at 45 ºC temperature helps to relax and reduce toxicity in a gentle way, which is intensified by the positive effects of the different essential oils.

Infra cabin
The capacity of our infra cabin is 10-12 persons. The cabin temperature is 50 ºC with 10-30% humidity, where infrared beams penetrate deep into the body heating it from inside out. As a result, the blood vessels expand accelerating blood circulation and the metabolic processes, and increasing the body’s immunity. Compared to ordinary saunas it is more effective in relaxing the muscles and shaping the body via intensified flow of the lymph fluid. It has a spectacular impact on the skin due to its pore cleansing and revitalizing effect. Sweating is approximately three times heavier than in a traditional sauna, with 20-60 times better detoxification potential.

Our tepidarium with it capacity of 6 persons is a steam room which helps easier circulation. With an inside temperature of 28-32 °C and 10-30% humidity it has a pleasant relaxing effect, strengthening the immune system and helping relaxation. The heated marble beds facilitate more pleasant and longer stays than the saunas.

Crystal steam cabin
By contrast to our saunas the temperature in the steam cabin with a capacity of 16-18 persons is much lower (45 ºC), while the relative humidity content reaches 100%. The less hot and humid steam makes sweating more comfortable. The beneficial effects, similarly to saunas, include relaxation, increased immunity and detoxification.